Section: New Results

Deductive Verification

  • M. Clochard, J.-C. Filliâtre, and A. Paskevich proposed a novel method to prove the relative safety of operations over bounded integers in a large class of programs. Their approach consists of introducing dedicated abstract types for the bounded integers and restricting the set of allowed operations over these types in such a way that it is impossible to reach the bound during a realistic execution of the program: for example, it would take several hundred years to overflow a 64-bit integer. This technique is aimed at integer variables that serve essentially as counters or size measures. It can be used alongside the traditional methods of proving the absence of overflows for other integer values in the same program. The proposed approach is implemented in Why3 and was presented at VSTTE 2015 [26] .

  • J.-C. Filliâtre and M. Pereira proposed a new way to specify the behavior of a cursor data structure, with the objective of being able to verify both the implementation of a cursor and its use by client code. The approach is modular, which means that a program using a cursor can be verified independently of the way the cursor is implemented. An experimental evaluation has been conducted with Why3, with several implementations and client codes being verified. This work will be presented at JFLA 2016 [26] .

  • C. Fumex and C. Marché developed a new library for bit-vectors, in Why3 and SPARK [30] . This library is rich enough for the formal specification of functional behavior of programs that operate at the level of bits. It is also designed to exploit efficiently the support for bit-vectors built-in in some SMT solvers. This work is done in the context of the ProofInUse joint laboratory. The SPARK front-end of Why3, for the verification of Ada programs, is extended to exploit this new bit-vector theory. Several cases studies are conducted: efficient search for rightmost bit of a bit-vector, efficient computation of the number of bits set to 1, efficient solving of the n-queens problem. At the level of SPARK, a program inspired from some industrial code (originally developed in C par J. Gerlach, Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute, Germany and partially proved with Frama-C and Coq) is specified in SPARK and proved with automatic solvers only. The support for bit-vectors is already distributed with SPARK, and SPARK users already reported that several verification conditions, that couldn't be proved earlier, are now proved automatically.

  • D. Hauzar and C. Marché worked on counterexample generation from failed proof attempts. They designed a new approach for generating potential counterexamples in the deductive verification setting, and implemented in Why3. When the logic goal generated for a given verification condition is not shown unsatisfiable by an SMT solvers, some solver can propose a model. By carefully reverting the transformation chain (from an input program through the VC generator and the various translation steps to solvers), this model is turned into a potential counterexample that the user can exploit to analyze why its original code is not proved. The approach is implemented in the chain from Ada programs through SPARK, Why3, and SMT solvers CVC4 and Z3. This implementation is robust enough to be distributed in the next release Pro 16 of SPARK. A research report on this subject will appear in January 2016.

  • A. Charguéraud and F. Pottier (Inria Paris-Rocquencourt) obtained new results in the machine-checked verification of asymptotic complexity bounds, in addition to program correctness properties. Verifying the time usage of a program is very important, because otherwise a program might be proved to be functionally correct but may appear to run into an infinite loop for particular input data. More specifically, A. Charguéraud and F. Pottier started from the extension of CFML with time credits (encoding of time resources in Separation Logic), developed last year by A. Charguéraud, and they used it to formally produce a machine-checked proof of the correctness and time complexity of a Union-Find data structure, implemented as an OCaml module. They thereby demonstrate that the approach scales up to difficult complexity analyses, and applies to actual executable code (as opposed to pseudo-code). This work was presented at ITP 2015 [24] . Furthermore, A. Charguéraud and F. Pottier co-advised the M2 internship of Armaël Guéneau, who extended the time credits approach so as to allow working conveniently with the big-O notation. He extended the CFML library and verified the time complexity of a binary random access list data structure due to Okasaki. This work has not been published yet.

  • A. Charguéraud described a method for reasoning about mutable data structures that own their elements. In Separation Logic, representation predicates describe the ownership of a mutable data structure, by establishing a relationship between the entry point of the structure, the piece of heap over which this structure spans, and the logical model associated with the structure. When a data structure is polymorphic, such as in the case of a container, its representation predicate needs to be parameterized not just by the type of the items stored in the structure, but also by the representation predicates associated with these items. Such higher-order representation predicates can be used in particular to control whether containers should own their items. A. Charguéraud wrote a paper describing, through a collection of practical examples, solutions to the challenges associated with reasoning about accesses into data structures that own their elements. This paper will appear at CPP 2016 [23] .